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Pastor Leroy M. DeBerry Sr is currently the Pastor and 
Founder of Prayer Dome Ministries, Inc., located  in 
North Haven, CT.  Prior to being called to the office of Pastor.
he served faithfully as an Associate Pastor of a local
church where he served faithfully for over 21 years.

Pastor DeBerry is also a graduate of the International
Theological Seminary  School of Plymouth Florida.

It is Pastor DeBerry's desire to win soul's for the Kingdom
of God and to keep the mandate of I Pet 5:2-3 which reads
"Feed the flock of God which is among you. taking the 
oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not
for filty lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being 
lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.


God has given Pastor DeBerry a heart for the people of 
God and for those that are lost.  God has given him a 
unique teaching ministry, he provides a verse by verse
explanation for life's application. God has opened the 
door for Pastor DeBerry to not only minister the word  
to those in his congregation but his voice could also be 
heard by people all over the world through the radio 
broadcast called, Time In the Word Broadcast, formerly
on WDJZ.


In addition to being a Pastor and plumber, Pastor DeBerry
is also a loving and devoted husband, father, and grandfather.
He has been married to Co-Pastor Phyllis DeBerry for 
40 years.  



Co-Pastor Phyllis DeBerry is the eptiome of the Proverbs Virtuous
Woman.  She not only fulfills her duties as the Co-Pastor of 
Prayer Dome Ministries, where she works alongside her husband
Pastor Leroy M. DeBerry Sr., she is also a mother of 3 and the 
grandmother of 6. No matter what her role she handles them all
with excellence and grace.


Before starting Prayer Dome Ministries with her husband she 
served faithfully for 21 years under the leadership of Bishop and
Pastor Peterson.  While a member of Glorified Deliverance Center
Church she served as an evangelist, Sunday School Teacher and choir director. While serving under the leadership of Bishop and Pastor Peterson both Pastor and Co-Pastor DeBerry wherebeing groomed for the transition they were about to face and it was there they learned the necessity of prayer.


On Sunday October 1, 2000 the doors of Prayer Dome Ministries
opened. Co-Pastor along with Pastor DeBerry have done all they
can to teach the flock about salvation and holiness.  Co-Pastor

DeBerry was the co-host on A Time In the Word broadcast alongside
her husband giving the world a verse by verse explanation of the 
word of God.


Co-Pastor DeBerry has maintained her integrity and has not 
compromised to be popular. She stands flat footed and proclaims
the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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